Reviewer Profile

Bryan Lienesch Movie Reviewer Profile

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Ratings Breakdown

Nothing here yet but I hope to soon.


Title Year Rating Rank Review
Almost Famous2000991 - Just a brilliantly-executed movie. It's so grand in scope and yet pencils in every character with unbelievable detail.
Deadpool2016972 - Just an incredibly fun time at the theaters!
Saving Private Ryan1998963 - The greatest World War II film of all time. End of story.
Inception2010944 - It's a dream inside a dream inside a dream. It's also a good movie inside a great movie inside a terrific movie.
Star Wars V: Empire Strikes Back1980944 - The battle of Hoth is probably my favorite part of any Star Wars movie. This would be the best of them had there been a stronger ending.
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens2015936 - The truly brilliant thing that the film does is that it establishes an era of the canon that is squarely after Return of the Jedi. It doesn't start a new chapter so much as the next book, so to speak. And J.J. Abrams and the writers deserve all the credit in the world for that.
Top Gun1986936 - It is and probably always will be the greatest dogfighting movie ever.
Django Unchained2012928 - It's a Tarantino Western. If I say that, you'll know exactly what to expect.
Super Troopers2001919 - Easily one of the best Broken Lizard flicks.
Chinatown19748910 - The more you look back and the more you cut away al the bells and whistles of modern cinema, the more you realize just how much Nicholson's charisma bursts right through the screen.
Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy (2004)20048811 - Full-on, gut-busting laughter.
Gravity20138811 - Gravity's biggest strength is how dynamic it is. It can be both very small and very large at the same time, and that's as cool as any of the visuals.
Aliens19868713 - From its scope to its imagination to its just overall sense of purpose, James Cameron's sequel is SO much better than Ridley Scott's first installment.
Field of Dreams19898713 - It's an epic. An epic about dreams realized, dreams deferred, and other dreams still unfulfilled. Better yet, it points to the necessity of not everyone catching their dreams.
Fight Club19998713 - The first rule of Fight Club? Watch it time and time again.
Shining, The19808713 - It's a mind-melting horror show, and might've been darn near perfect had it been about 30 minutes shorter.
Silence of the Lambs, The19918713 - It's rare that a thriller is, at the same time, both genuinely creepy and compelling. Ultimately, that's what makes The Silence of the Lambs special.
Fast Five20118618 - It's the closest any sequel has come yet to the original. The action is over the top, and flirts with obsurdity, but that's the point of a blockbuster. The bank vault chase scene is one of the coolest I've seen in a very, very long time.
Fruitvale Station20138618 - Most moviegoers will get hung up on the criminality of the BART officers' action, but the real message here is you just never know when it's your time.
Skyfall20128618 - For such a landmark film, plot-wise, in the James Bond series, Skyfall is a little lacking in the traditional things we've come to love about James Bond. It's a dark time for 007, a theme that will play to mixed results with the audience.
Shaun of the Dead20048521 - It's not just a great zombie-laden comedy. This is one of the smartest, funniest satires to come out since the turn of the century.
Sixth Sense, The19998521 - The final plot twist (you KNOW the one I'm talking about) goes right up there with Vader telling Luke who his father is.
Creed20158423 - There are boxing sequences that have you dipping and diving with every punch, whether or not you are watching it in 3D.
Despicable Me20108423 - An obvious kids movie with enough "pull" to keep us older folks both interested and amused.
Ex Machina20158423 - It's fascinating how such a seemingly simple story can evoke such complex themes.
North By Northwest19598423 - It serves as the blueprint for every successful blockbuster thriller. It shouldn't surprise you that Hitchcock pulled it off first.
Reservoir Dogs19928423 - An absolute bloodbath that serves as the perfect foreword to Quentin Tarantino's directorial career.
Tucker and Dale vs Evil20108423 - Practically out of nowhere, this comedy that spoofs slasher films with uncommon wit is an absolute riot.
Blazing Saddles19748329 - Classic Mel Brooks.
Jurassic Park19938329 - Fans of the book will be dismayed by some of the altered plot points, but overall a nice adaptation.
Lion King, The 19948329 - It's not another mind-numbing kid garbage flick. A cogent story and an unexpected emotionally-heavy hand in direction will keep adults as entertained as their kin.
Minions20158329 - A cute, funny family flick.
Scream19968233 - The no-frills teens slasher knows what its about and doesn't deviate from a solid concept. It's a low-risk, moderate-reward plan that leads to glass-ceiling success.
Citizen Kane19418134 - The sensational story about the world's biggest sensationalist is, well, pretty sensational.
Die Hard19888134 - Greatest/only Christmas action movie of all time.
Guardians of the Galaxy20148134 - Marvel in its franchising has sort of fashioned themselves the ultimate conspiracy theorists in the sense that everything is connected. So, while elements of 'Guardians' feel rather old (an unlikely band of outlaws and misfits save the world? how original), there is enough material that is genuinely fresh that it feels like a new chapter of a story rather than an old book we've already read.
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King20038134 - Epic in nearly every way...including runtime.
Planes, Trains And Automobiles19878134 - Steve Martin and John Candy are both in the perfect roles for them.
What We Do in the Shadows20148134 - A very, very funny mockumentary!
Arrival20168040 - It's a good, not great, film. And beware of rave reviews. Those buying wholeheartedly in 'Arrival' are giving it credit for being smarter than it really is.
AVENGERS, The20128040 - Your typical superhero blockbuster. The movie juggles such a large cast somewhat cumbersomely and resorts to cheeky humor when it doesn't know what else to do.
Pulp Fiction19948040 - An instant cult classic, but be warned: it's trendier to pretend to like this movie than it is to actually like it.
Jaws19757943 - It depends on how you view it, quite frankly. A thriller? A compelling one, to be sure. But a true horror? Well, let's just say it's not as big of a fish as it thinks it is.
A Clockwork Orange19717844 - It's cookiness aside, Stanley Kubrick's futuristic allegory raises some interesting questions.
Big Lebowski, The19987745 - One thing's for sure: this comedy is much sharper than 'The Dude'
Psycho19607745 - It's value isn't necessarily what is on the screen so much as what it has inspired since.
Hoosiers19867647 - It's good. It's a bit overrated, but it's good.
Knocked Up20077647 - Seth Rogen and Katherine Heigl ARE an unlikely couple. And yet, somehow, it works for the most part, here...
Clerks19947449 - A filmmaker's film. Movie snobs and hipsters will swear by it the most.
Up20097449 - A cute little story about friendship and the need to both accept and resist change and different times.
Avatar20097251 - A little overrated. It's worth a watch, but the runtime and countless slow moments will have you checking your watch.
Captain America: The First Avenger20117052 - Too cliche to be really good.
Fargo19967052 - The Coen brothers' 'Fargo' is an enigma: not funny enough to be a real comedy, not serious enough to be a decent drama, and nowhere close to neatly fitting into any other genre.
Fast And Furious20097052 - The return of the original characters continued an upward trend in the franchise's sequels.
French Connection, The19716955 - After an hour or so of nothing more than people following people, The French Connection FINALLY gets going.
Matrix, The19996955 - It aims to be the ultimate sci-fi fantasy flick, but attains only mixed results.
Rocky19766955 - A bit overrated if we're being completely honest.
Rushmore19986758 - Typical Wes Anderson.
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl20036359 - Make no mistake: this is really more of a kids movie. Not that it was intended that way, but its over-the-top acting and simpleton plot makes it so.
Toy Story19956359 - As a child, this film is a staple of life. After puberty, it doesn't offer you much.
Green Lantern20116261 - As much as I like Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively, this film could have been way better. One of those classic cases where a decent concept falls victim to the high-end effects of Hollywood.
Man of Steel20135862 - How a duo of geeky gurus like Christopher Nolan and Zack Snyder managed to make such a disappointment has to be one of the biggest surprises of the year in movies.
30020065763 - It's use for memes and satire is sadly its best quality. Homophobes will have a field day with this one.
Mallrats19955763 - Awkwardly flirts with the line between indie comedy and formulaic goofiness.
Star Wars I: Phantom Menace 19995763 - The worst of the two trilogies, easily. George Lucas and crew really took an entire movie to shake off the rust.
Kubo and the Two Strings20165466 - Ultimately, it's forgettable.
Pan's Labyrinth20065067 - The problem with fantasy films is there's a very, very fine line between the movie having real contextual value and just being whimsical cow excrement. 'Pan's Labyrinth', as much as I hate to say it, leans toward the latter.
Vertigo19585067 - Alfred Hitchcock's thriller piques your interest, but fails to keep it.
Akira19884869 - Just seems like another anime film to me. If there's something special here I guess I missed it.
Princess Mononoke19974570 - Too cartoonish for its own good. Is it visually ambitious? Sure. But successful? Not so much.
2001: A Space Odyssey19683171 - Typical Kubrick: he can't just tell a story. Everything has to be commentary on humanity.

Unranked Movies from the List

Ninja Scroll ~ [Rate It Now]
Seven Samurai ~ [Rate It Now]
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind ~ [Rate It Now]
Terminator 2: Judgment Day ~ [Rate It Now]
Hamilton ~ [Rate It Now]
Do the Right Thing ~ [Rate It Now]
Amelie ~ [Rate It Now]
Spirited Away ~ [Rate It Now]
Coco ~ [Rate It Now]
Oldboy (Oldeuboi - Korea) ~ [Rate It Now]
Ratatouille ~ [Rate It Now]
Princess Bride, The ~ [Rate It Now]
Ghostbusters ~ [Rate It Now]
Finding Nemo ~ [Rate It Now]
Blade Runner ~ [Rate It Now]
Raiders of the Lost Ark ~ [Rate It Now]
High Noon ~ [Rate It Now]
Little Mermaid (1989 Disney) ~ [Rate It Now]
A Monster Calls ~ [Rate It Now]
The Shape of Water ~ [Rate It Now]
Monsters Inc ~ [Rate It Now]
Wizard Of Oz, The ~ [Rate It Now]
Boyz N The Hood ~ [Rate It Now]
Terminator ~ [Rate It Now]
My Neighbor Totoro ~ [Rate It Now]
Spider-Man: Homecoming ~ [Rate It Now]
Army of Darkness ~ [Rate It Now]
Snowpiercer ~ [Rate It Now]
Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga ~ [Rate It Now]
Sound of Music, The ~ [Rate It Now]
Dazed And Confused ~ [Rate It Now]
The Lego Batman Movie ~ [Rate It Now]
Galaxy Quest ~ [Rate It Now]
Annie Hall ~ [Rate It Now]
Fast Times at Ridgemont High ~ [Rate It Now]
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban ~ [Rate It Now]
Superman ~ [Rate It Now]
Beetlejuice ~ [Rate It Now]
Donnie Darko ~ [Rate It Now]
Notebook, The ~ [Rate It Now]
Temple of Doom ~ [Rate It Now]
Iron Giant, The ~ [Rate It Now]
Superbad ~ [Rate It Now]
Adventures in Babysitting ~ [Rate It Now]
Planet of the Apes (1968) ~ [Rate It Now]
Mank ~ [Rate It Now]
Godzilla (1954) ~ [Rate It Now]
RoboCop ~ [Rate It Now]
Cinderella (1950 Disney) ~ [Rate It Now]
Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone ~ [Rate It Now]
Monty Python and the Holy Grail ~ [Rate It Now]
Gremlins ~ [Rate It Now]
Interview with the Vampire ~ [Rate It Now]
Goonies, The ~ [Rate It Now]
Magnificent Seven, The ~ [Rate It Now]
Pineapple Express ~ [Rate It Now]
Kung Fu Hustle ~ [Rate It Now]
Twilight ~ [Rate It Now]
TRON ~ [Rate It Now]
Stargate ~ [Rate It Now]
Half Baked ~ [Rate It Now]
Sharknado ~ [Rate It Now]

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