Reviewer Profile

Bryan Lienesch Movie Reviewer Profile

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Ratings Breakdown

Nothing here yet but I hope to soon.


Title Year Rating Rank Review
Ex Machina2015841 - It's fascinating how such a seemingly simple story can evoke such complex themes.
Avengers: Age of Ultron2015832 - An improvement over the first one. 'Age of Ultron' stays much truer to the comics.
Chappie2015743 - 'Chappie' is a story about exploitation, which is ironic because the film itself exploits our sympathy, taking a hunkof metal and making it behave like an innocent puppy.
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines2003704 - As the years have gone on, this franchise has relied more and more on over-the-top special effects.
Matrix, The1999695 - It aims to be the ultimate sci-fi fantasy flick, but attains only mixed results.
Wall-E2008626 - IS it a harmless and fun family flick, or a Stanley Kubrick-esque critique of society? Quite frankly, it's hard to tell.
Transcendence2014537 - Like the movie's main character, 'Transendence' gets carried away. Running far past the depths of a story one might actually buy, 'Transendence' doesn't stop until it's plot borders on the ridiculous.
Metropolis1927508 - Overrated, if you ask me.
Terminator Genisys2015499 - When Arnold Schwarzenegger gets beaten down by his younger CGI self towards the beginning, it's actually a perfect metaphor as to how 'Genisys' stacks up to earlier 'Terminator' versions.
Terminator: Salvation20094710 - The beginning is good, like the first ten minutes. Then you can feel free to leave.
2001: A Space Odyssey19683111 - Typical Kubrick: he can't just tell a story. Everything has to be commentary on humanity.

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Matrix Reloaded, The ~ [Rate It Now]
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A.I. Artificial Intelligence ~ [Rate It Now]
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