This list of movies is divided up into Ranked movies, which have been rated enough times to have a ranking, and then a list of other movies from this category/genre which haven't been rated enough times.
Also, there is a version of this list filtered down to movies available to you for streaming in this genre, if you're logged in and have provided a list of which streaming services to which you've subscribed.
Also, there is a version of this list filtered down to movies available to you for streaming in this genre, if you're logged in and have provided a list of which streaming services to which you've subscribed.
Ranked Movies
Rank | Movie | Avg | Streaming Options | Ratings Breakdown |
1 | Zack Snyder's Justice League | 92.13% | Max, Max Amazon Channel | |
2 | Wonder Woman | 87.57% | Max, Max Amazon Channel, TNT, TBS, tru TV | |
3 | Aquaman | 78.29% | Max, Max Amazon Channel | |
4 | Man of Steel | 74.02% | Max, Max Amazon Channel | |
5 | The Suicide Squad | 72.45% | Max, Max Amazon Channel | |
6 | Shazam! | 70% | Max, Max Amazon Channel | |
7 | Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) | 69.42% | Max, Max Amazon Channel, TNT, TBS, tru TV | |
8 | Justice League | 67.73% | Amazon Prime Video, Max, Max Amazon Channel, Amazon Prime Video with Ads | |
9 | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice | 64.61% | Amazon Prime Video, Max, Max Amazon Channel, Amazon Prime Video with Ads | |
10 | Wonder Woman 1984 | 64.29% | Max, Max Amazon Channel | |
11 | Suicide Squad | 62.84% | Max, Max Amazon Channel | |
Rank | Movie | Avg | Streaming Options | Ratings Breakdown |
12 | Black Adam | 62.8% | Max, Max Amazon Channel | |
Rank | Movie | Avg | Streaming Options | Reviewer Ratings |
Un-Ranked Movies
Movie | Current Avg | Streaming |
Movie | Current Avg | Streaming |