Reviewer Profile

Bryan Lienesch Movie Reviewer Profile

(View @bclienesch Now)
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Ratings Breakdown

Nothing here yet but I hope to soon.


Title Year Rating Rank Review
Impossible, The2012901 - Nothing -- and I mean NOTHING -- will leave you more raw than this movie. Sensational.
Deep Impact1998782 - It's Armageddon redone. Similar enough that you'll forever correlate the two, different enough that both are worth watching.
Into the Storm2014523 - If I didn't know better, I would guess some 'Twister' fanboy finally found the one rich schlub dumb enough to fund his wet dream in the form of a movie.
Noah2014474 - It's so utterly bizarre, it creates a new genre altogether: Sci-Fi Bible Fantasy
San Andreas2015415 - It's not '2012' bad, but it's close. Very close.
20122009366 - On a good day, it's awful.

Unranked Movies from the List

The Day After Tomorrow ~ [Rate It Now]
Twister ~ [Rate It Now]
Sharknado 2: The Second One ~ [Rate It Now]
Pompeii ~ [Rate It Now]
Sharknado ~ [Rate It Now]

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