Reviewer Profile

Bryan Lienesch Movie Reviewer Profile

(View @bclienesch Now)
Reviewer Score:


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Ratings Breakdown

Nothing here yet but I hope to soon.


Title Year Rating Rank Review
Spotlight2015931 - For all the talking heads, half-truths, and sensationalism that dominates the so-called "news channels" these days, we needed this film. Not only to remind us what passionate people can still do, but what journalism, true journalism, can still be.
Spy2015902 - I find it hard to believe we'll see a funnier movie this year.
Room2015893 - Both heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time for the duration.
The Big Short2015884 - Adam McKay's first 'serious' film is a palpable entry.
The Martian2015884 - It's rare that a cast of this level of notoriety is also so well used. 'The Martian', both in development and in execution, tells you it takes an army to truly save one man.
Trainwreck2015884 - It's refreshing when a comedy is so much more than cheap laughter.
Mad Max: Fury Road2015867 - Stylistically, it's unlike anything you've seen before.
The Revenant2015867 - Tremendously well-acted. Beautiful and brutally unfiltered cinematography. If it was about a half-hour shorter and trimmed some of the fat it would be a darn near perfect movie.

Unranked Movies from the List

Carol ~ [Rate It Now]
Joy ~ [Rate It Now]

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