Reviewer Profile

Bryan Lienesch Movie Reviewer Profile

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Ratings Breakdown

Nothing here yet but I hope to soon.


Title Year Rating Rank Review
Saving Private Ryan1998961 - The greatest World War II film of all time. End of story.
Few Good Men, A1992942 - One my all time favorites. What else is there to say? If you can't enjoy this movie, you can't handle industry?
Goodfellas1990942 - This is Scorcese's best work, hands down. Easily one of the greatest movies of all time.
Forrest Gump1994934 - There's no other movie like it, and I'm not sure there ever will be.
Good Will Hunting1997925 - The blended cast of Robin Williams and Ben Affleck and Matt Damon symbolizes the handing of the torch in Hollywood from one generation to another. And both are equally brilliant.
Apollo 131995897 - You see Bill Paxton and Gary Sinise in this movie and you can't help but to think 'how did they not make more out of their careers?'
Shawshank Redemption, The1994897 - It's a powerful tale about friendship, but the life-is-what-you-make-it story is heavily sugarcoated for a film that takes place primarily in a cruel prison.
Braveheart1995879 - This will stand for all time as the way historical epics SHOULD be made.
Jerry Maguire1996879 - Love, drama, and comedy. Sports, Office Work, Home life. It is literally impossible that this film doesn't have SOMETHING for you.
Silence of the Lambs, The1991879 - It's rare that a thriller is, at the same time, both genuinely creepy and compelling. Ultimately, that's what makes The Silence of the Lambs special.
Schindlers List19938412 - Very good, but, a tid bit overrated if we're being perfectly honest.
Fugitive, The19938313 - It's good guy vs. secret good guy vs. bad guy that the good guy doesn't know exists. Is there a better premise for a manhunt flick?
JFK19918214 - It's good or maybe even great, but certainly not excellent. It's lasting legacy will be adding fuel to the fire of conspiracy theorists everywhere.
Pulp Fiction19948015 - An instant cult classic, but be warned: it's trendier to pretend to like this movie than it is to actually like it.
Dances with Wolves19907016 - It's sort of a 'Lawrence of Arabia' for the Western world.
Fargo19967016 - The Coen brothers' 'Fargo' is an enigma: not funny enough to be a real comedy, not serious enough to be a decent drama, and nowhere close to neatly fitting into any other genre.
Unforgiven19926918 - Neither terrible nor amazing. But the second half is worth the price of admission.
Godfather Part III, The19906119 - Every franchise has that movie that tells everyone it's time to stop. This is that movie.
Thin Red Line, The19986119 - Ultimately, the problem with 'The Thin Red Line' is itself. It wants to be both a gritty war flick and a cinephile's wet dream. Had it committed one way or the other -- likely the former -- we probably would've had a great flick on our hands.

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Scent of a Woman ~ [Rate It Now]
Remains of the Day, The ~ [Rate It Now]
Full Monty, The ~ [Rate It Now]
Babe ~ [Rate It Now]
Awakenings ~ [Rate It Now]
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Four Weddings and a Funeral ~ [Rate It Now]
Crying Game, The ~ [Rate It Now]
Ghost ~ [Rate It Now]
Shine ~ [Rate It Now]
Shakespeare in Love ~ [Rate It Now]
English Patient, The ~ [Rate It Now]
Sense and Sensibility ~ [Rate It Now]
Prince of Tides, The ~ [Rate It Now]
Elizabeth ~ [Rate It Now]

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