Podcast Shows

There are an exciting amount of movie-related podcasts available for public consumption, and we'd like to help amplify their voices by expanding the ways listeners can find them!

Each podcast in the list below has its own individual page containing information about their podcast, listing their episodes (and how to listen to them)!

Additionally, the same pages where you can find reviews and ratings for a specific movie will also have links to podcast episodes discussing that film!

Podcasters, if letting our platform help in expanding your audience sounds like something you're interested in, hit us up on Twitter!

Show NameTwitterEpisode
10ish Podcast@10ishPod00
As You Watch@AsYouWatchPod416
Best Film Ever@BestFilmEverPod33
BS Movies Podcast@BSMoviesPodcast326
Cinema Recall@Cinema_Recall46
Extra Features Podcast@ExtraFeaturespc322
Fans on Patrol@fansonpatrol55
Front Seat Cinema@FrontSeatCinema11
In Film We Trust@ifwtpod00
InSession Film@InSessionFilm59
Invasion of the Remake@InvasionRemake610
Movie House Memories@MHMemories00
Piecing It Together Podcast@PiecingPod111
Science Fiction Remnant@SciFiRemnant2828
Shoot the Flick@ShoottheFlick11
Sober Cinema@sobercinema00
Sorry! You're In My Seat Podcast@SYIMS_Podcast36
SpyHards Podcast@SpyHards11
SWO Podcast@SWOProductions4746
Take Too Podcast@TakeTooPodcast27
The Awesome Friday Podcast@awesomefridayca3026
The LAMBcast@LAMBThe1116
Tru Bromance Cast@TruBromanceCast00
Us vs Film@UsVsFilm718
Your Next Favorite Movie@YNFMoviePod11