Reviewer Profile

Sober Film Critic James Brown Movie Reviewer Profile

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Nothing here yet but I hope to soon.


Title Year Rating Rank Review
Matrix, The19991001(full review)
Terminator19841001(full review) - With pulse-pounding action sequences, endless suspense, and one incredible story, this sci-fi thriller blazes a bloody trail into the annals of cinematic history.
Terminator 2: Judgment Day19911001(full review) - Terminator 2: Judgement Day is certifiably the ultimate action movie. Without a shadow of a doubt, James Cameron's sci-fi masterpiece perfected the formula for the modern big budget blockbusters of today.
Ex Machina2015974(full review) - Ex Machina is undoubtedly an homage to those sci-fi films of the past that showcase this clash of man and self-aware machines. Unlike other films that bake this theme into expansive worlds with lots of colorful characters, Ex Machina boasts a far more intimate film.
Matrix Revolutions, The2003974(full review)
Her2013886(full review)
Robot and Frank2012886(full review)
Avengers: Age of Ultron2015848(full review) - The film's greatest asset is not the action, the comedy, or even its glut of new characters. It's the villainy. It's Ultron. James Spader's persona reminds me quite a bit of Hugo Weaving's performances as Agent Smith in The Matrix trilogy with an extra shot of menace. Popping up everywhere with money quotes on the inevitability of his peacekeeping mission, Spader oozes with malice in every move he makes and every step he takes.
Matrix Reloaded, The2003809(full review)
Terminator Genisys20157510(full review) - Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and these foreigners make one hell of a good impression with Terminator Genisys. Like the box office sensation Jurassic World, this fifth trip into the war between machines and mankind is built around a certain nostalgia factor.
Chappie20156111(full review) - Johannesburg might as well be Old Detroit. Tetravaal is in fact OCP rebranded. There's no doubt in my mind that Moose is the ED-209 enforcement droid from back in the day. While it's hard to deny that Chappie is one entertaining sci-fi thriller, it's even harder to deny that it's a wholly unoriginal film that copies from past sci-fi greats.
Transcendence20144312(full review)

Unranked Movies from the List

Wall-E ~ [Rate It Now]
Blade Runner ~ [Rate It Now]
2001: A Space Odyssey ~ [Rate It Now]
Metropolis ~ [Rate It Now]
Bicentennial Man ~ [Rate It Now]
Edward Scissorhands ~ [Rate It Now]
Ghost In The Shell ~ [Rate It Now]
WarGames ~ [Rate It Now]
Iron Giant, The ~ [Rate It Now]
A.I. Artificial Intelligence ~ [Rate It Now]
Astro Boy ~ [Rate It Now]
I, Robot ~ [Rate It Now]
Terminator: Salvation ~ [Rate It Now]
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines ~ [Rate It Now]
The Machine ~ [Rate It Now]
Eagle Eye ~ [Rate It Now]
Short Circuit ~ [Rate It Now]
Short Circuit 2 ~ [Rate It Now]

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