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Sober Film Critic James Brown Movie Reviewer Profile

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Nothing here yet but I hope to soon.


Title Year Rating Rank Review
Boyhood20141001(full review) - In bringing this epic story to the big screen and taking a moving picture of life itself, Richard Linklater truly seizes this moment in cinematic history by letting the moment seize us. It's a spectacular motion picture that simultaneously turns life into art and art into life.
Whiplash2014982(full review) - Paying homage to jazz greats like Charlie Parker, Jo Jones, and Buddy Rich. Chazelle pulls out all the stops to create this gripping yet comedic cinematic experience that will reel moviegoers in for the duration of its all too brief runtime.
Birdman2014973(full review) - One has to be very comfortable in their own skin to make a movie that, in a sense, makes a mockery of their life's work. It takes a certain artistic fortitude to do this, especially on the 25th anniversary of the individual’s crowning achievement. With this in mind, I've got nothing but respect for Michael Keaton suiting up as Birdman.
Selma2014973(full review) - Sometimes films about the past illuminate the present.
The Imitation Game2014885(full review) - The Imitation Game is a history lesson all should see.
Grand Budapest Hotel, The2014846(full review)
The Theory of Everything2014846(full review) - In the iconic role of Stephen Hawking, Eddie Redmayne gives what may one day be considered a career-defining performance. Redmayne looks like Hawking. He moves like him. He has that defiant glow about him just like Hawking.

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