

Lists: Westerns, Academy Award Best Picture Winners - All Time, Best Picture Winners from the 1990s, AFI 100 (2007), Best Picture nominee 1990 to 1999

Brief Synopsis: "William Munny is a retired, once-ruthless killer turned gentle widower and hog farmer. To help support his two motherless children, he accepts one last bounty-hunter mission to find the men who brutalized a prostitute. Joined by his former partner and a cocky greenhorn, he takes on a corrupt sheriff."

Overall Ranking: 1287 (Rank from 1992: # 15)

Adjusted* Rating:
(lowest rating dropped)

Ratings Breakdown
(The Mixed Bag)

Buttery 55.56%
Regular 22.22%
Half-Popped 11.11%
Stale 11.11%
Burnt 0%


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Reviewer Rating Review
Lord Of The Films Ryan100(full review)
David Baruffi97(full review)
Dan O'Neill90(full review)
Jay of Life Vs Film90(full review)
Rob from GuysFilmQuest85
Thomas Pollock80
Bryan Lienesch69 - Neither terrible nor amazing. But the second half is worth the price of admission.
Annwyn S50
Ryan from Ten Stars Or Less30(full review)

People Involved

  • Clint Eastwood (Bill Munny)
  • Gene Hackman (Little Bill Daggett)
  • Richard Harris (English Bob)
  • Jaimz Woolvett (The Schofield Kid)
  • Anna Levine (Delilah Fitzgerald)
  • Saul Rubinek (W.W. Beauchamp)
  • Frances Fisher (Strawberry Alice)
  • David Mucci (Quick Mike)
  • Rob Campbell (Davey Bunting)
  • Anthony James (Skinny Dubois)
  • Morgan Freeman (Ned Logan)
  • Clint Eastwood (Director)
  • magbo system