Reviewer Profile

Minnesota Man Movie Reviewer Profile

(View @joemnmovieman Now)
Reviewer Score:


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Ratings Breakdown

Nothing here yet but I hope to soon.


Title Year Rating Rank Review
Mad Max: Fury Road20151001(full review) - A giant juggernaut of a summer blockbuster. All other summer films should bow down.
The Martian20151001(full review) - A whiz bang crowd pleaser so rarely made nowadays.
Brooklyn2015953(full review) - Sensitive tale with no villain in sight...a lovely film.
Carol2015904(full review) - Carol shows a beauty of a relationship damaged by societal norms, and the fight to reclaim what’s true.
Creed2015904(full review) - A true knockout.
Inside Out2015904(full review)
Room2015904(full review) - An intense important one too.
Sicario2015904(full review) - From start to finish, a solid exercise in sustained suspense.
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens2015904(full review) - The sequel we've been waiting for since Return of the Jedi
The Hateful Eight20168510(full review) - Bloody Agatha Christie yarn...
Love & Mercy20158011(full review)
Spotlight20158011(full review) - What true journalism used to look like.
The Big Short20158011(full review) - McKay and co. burst some bubbles.
The Danish Girl20156514(full review) - Struggles with truth in a film about authenticity.
Joy20155515(full review) - Better than American there's that.
Trumbo20155016(full review) - A hammy take on a dark time in Hollywood history. Straight to HBO.

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Steve Jobs ~ [Rate It Now]

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