Reviewer Profile

Sir M Hayes XIV Movie Reviewer Profile

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Ratings Breakdown

Nothing here yet but I hope to soon.


Title Year Rating Rank Review
Inglourious Basterds20091001
Insider, The19991001
Shawshank Redemption, The19941001 - Pacing. Story. Acting. I can't think of a flaw. Plus its a 3 hour movie that flies by, and does so without explosioins or car chases or special effects.
Almost Famous2000954
Departed, The2006954
No Country for Old Men2007954
Slumdog Millionaire2008954
Star Wars V: Empire Strikes Back1980954
Zombieland2009954 - I adore this movie. For as short a time its been out I've seen it a few dozen times... that said its probably been 6-8 months since my last viewing. Its gory. Its funny. Its clever. Well written, and well acted. Love Emma Stone in this. Working the rules into things and "Zombie kill of the week".
A Clockwork Orange19719016 - one of my favorites. trippy great social commentary... Great book too, but a little hard to read the first 2 chapters cuz of the language they speak
Gangs of New York20029016
Lost in Translation20039016
Toy Story 320109016
American Beauty19998524
Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy (2004)20048524
Animal House19788524 - A classic that was so far ahead of its time
Breakfast Club, The19858524
Charlie Bartlett20078524
Clerks II20068524
Django Unchained20128524
Game, The19978524
Inception20108524 - really fun action thriller. Loved all the performances mentioned. Loved the effects and how the movie looked/felt.
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade19898524
L.A. Confidential19978524 - I actually am not a huge fan of Noire, but really liked this.
Mystic River20038524
Rushmore19988524 - love this movie. Its like Wes has his own little universe, like Kevin Smith or tarantino where people don't quite talk or act like the people you know, and every film is distinctive.
Shining, The19808524 - really awesome. Jack is perfect. The only thing I don't like about this is his wife, that actress or performance... ugh
Sixth Sense, The19998524
Social Network, The20108524
Star Wars IV: A New Hope19778524
X2: X-Men United20038524 - awesome follow up. I was so excited how it ended setting up a third... and then?
127 Hours20108046
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon20038046
Ferris Beuller's Day Off19868046
Fight Club19998046 - I actually liked it more after I read the book.
Forrest Gump19948046
Gosford Park20018046
Hunt for Red October19908046
Little Miss Sunshine20068046
Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi 19838046
Superbad20078046 - Not my favorite comedy, but its funny and enjoyable. Interesting take on the high school/coming of age tale and how it effects the two best friends.
Temple of Doom19848046
Wedding Crashers20058046
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?19888046
Ghostbusters II19897561
Mighty Ducks, The19927561
Old School20037561
Raiders of the Lost Ark19817561
Three Amigos!19867561
Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story20077561
X-Men20007561 - Good starter for the series.
X-Men: First Class20117561 - Every bit as good as the first. Fassbender was amazing as Magneto. I liked Bacon as Shaw. Wasn't thrilled with some of their choices for the "first class", that and they un-Irished Banshee.
Black Swan20107071
Bottle Rocket19967071
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring20017071
Rocky Horror Picture Show, The19757071
Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith 20057071
Alien 319926577 - decent. Not a huge fan of this franchise.
Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close20116577
X-Men Origins: Wolverine20095080 - again we're too character heavy and this is a Wolvie movie. Love Gambit being in here. For an "origins" movie it felt lacking.
Star Wars I: Phantom Menace 19993081
X-Men: The Last Stand20063081 - Too many characters introduced. No need to kill scott AND charles, imo.
Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones20022083

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