

Lists: Drama, Thriller, Crime / Heist, Best Picture nominee 2000 to 2009

Brief Synopsis: "A look at America's war on drugs from three intricately woven stories: The new U.S. drug czar whose battle hits close to home when he finds out his daughter is an addict; A trophy wife who discovers her husband's real business when he is arrested and the DEA agents assigned to protect the star witness against him; and a Mexican police officer who discovers that the corrupt system may include his new boss."

Overall Ranking: 1217 (Rank from 2000: # 19)

Adjusted* Rating:
(lowest rating dropped)

Ratings Breakdown
(The Mixed Bag)

Buttery 37.5%
Regular 50%
Half-Popped 0%
Stale 12.5%
Burnt 0%


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Reviewer Rating Review
David Baruffi97(full review)
Sir M Hayes XIV95
Bryan Lienesch87 - A massive drug and crime saga. Very few movies have tried to be as broad in scope and achieve so much with it.
Rob from GuysFilmQuest80
Dan O'Neill80(full review)
Lisa Marie Bowman80 - One of Soderbergh's better films.
(full review)
Brandon H70

People Involved

  • Michael Douglas (Robert Wakefield)
  • Benicio Del Toro (Javier Rodriguez)
  • Jacob Vargas (Manolo Sanchez)
  • Tomas Milian (Gen. Arturo Salazar)
  • Russell G. Jones (Mark)
  • Michael ONeill (Lawery Rodman)
  • Catherine Zeta-Jones (Helena Ayala)
  • Dennis Quaid (Arnie Metzger)
  • Erika Christensen (Caroline Wakefield)
  • Don Cheadle (Montel Gordon)
  • Stacey Travis (Helenas Friend)
  • Benjamin Bratt (Juan Obregón)
  • Steven Soderbergh (Director)