

Lists: Drama, Romance, Academy Award Best Picture Winners - All Time, Best Picture Winners from the 1940s, AFI 100 (2007), Best Picture nominee 1940 to 1949, Classics, Sight And Sound Critics Top 250

Brief Synopsis: "Casablanca is a classic and one of the most revered films of all time. Starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman in a love triangle in the city of Casablanca which is a refuge for many fleeing foreigners looking for a new life during the war. Political romance with a backdrop of war conflict between democracy and totalitarianism. A landmark in film history."

Overall Ranking: 100 (Rank from 1942: # 1)

Adjusted* Rating:
(lowest rating dropped)

Ratings Breakdown
(The Mixed Bag)

Buttery 73.33%
Regular 26.67%
Half-Popped 0%
Stale 0%
Burnt 0%


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Reviewer Rating Review
3Guys Griff100
Josh of Classicblanca100
Lisa Marie Bowman100 - It's as good as you've been told.
(full review)
Daniel Prinn at Daniel's Film Reviews100
Jim Carrier98 - A classic. Everyone should watch this movie at some point in their life. It's not funny, it's not action-packed, but it's deep & a classic.
David Baruffi97(full review)
Colin Carman95(full review)
3Guys Scotty95(full review)
Jay of Life Vs Film90(full review)
Thomas Pollock90
Rob from GuysFilmQuest85
Rich Alejandro80 - A must see, at least once, to give a bit of Hollywood history on leading men. Bogey slays it here.
Sean Kelly80(full review)
Sir M Hayes XIV70
Annwyn S70

People Involved

  • Humphrey Bogart (Rick Blaine)
  • Ingrid Bergman (Ilsa Lund)
  • Paul Henreid (Victor Laszlo)
  • Claude Rains (Capt. Renault)
  • Conrad Veidt (Maj. Strasser)
  • Sydney Greenstreet (Signor Ferrari)
  • Peter Lorre (Ugarte)
  • Madeleine Lebeau (Yvonne)
  • Dooley Wilson (Sam)
  • Joy Page (Annina Brandel)
  • John Qualen (Berger)
  • Leonid Kinskey (Sascha)
  • Curt Bois (Pickpocket)
  • Marcel Dalio (Emil)
  • Helmut Dantine (Jan Brandel)
  • Hans Heinrich von Twardowski (German officer with Yvonne)
  • S.Z. Sakall (Carl)
  • Michael Curtiz (Director)
  • magbo system