

Lists: Action, Adventure, Drama, Biopic, Academy Award Best Picture Winners - All Time, Best Picture Winners from the 2000s, Epic, Revenge, Best Picture nominee 2000 to 2009

Brief Synopsis: "Gladiator is an epic film of love, death and betrayal set in the Roman Empire. General Maximus' success in battle earns the favour of an elderly Emperor at the expense of the Emperor's son. In a fit of jealous rage the son slays his father before turning his anger towards Maximus. Now reduced to a slave, his family dead, Maximus must fight as a Gladiator to gain his freedom, and his revenge."

Overall Ranking: 488 (Rank from 2000: # 10)

Adjusted* Rating:
(lowest rating dropped)

Ratings Breakdown
(The Mixed Bag)

Buttery 68%
Regular 20%
Half-Popped 12%
Stale 0%
Burnt 0%


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Reviewer Rating Review
Brandon H100
Ray Willmott100
Gorgon Reviews97
Alex Robinson97
Jim Carrier96
Annwyn S95
Tim The Film Guy95(full review)
Rob from GuysFilmQuest93
movierob90(full review)
Dan O'Neill90 - Gladiator may not be as perfect as some may claim, but Ridley Scott’s inspired direction keeps this well-acted, beautifully shot, and tremendously entertaining epic, on its toes by never once diving into cheesy or lame territory.
(full review)
Ryan from Ten Stars Or Less90(full review)
Dave Examines Movies90(full review)
Bryan Lienesch90 - It's an action flick, it's an epic. It's one very awesome movie.
Jeremy M90
Mark Chapman90
That Movie Guy Dion Wyn Hughes89(full review)
Nick Ledgerwood85
Thomas Pollock80
Often Off Topic Allie Adkins80(full review)
V Lionheart70
CinemaVisitor Erik70
J Collins60
J Patterson55
David Baruffi43

People Involved

  • Russell Crowe (Maximus)
  • Joaquin Phoenix (Commodus)
  • Connie Nielsen (Lucilla)
  • Oliver Reed (Proximo)
  • Richard Harris (Marcus Aurelius)
  • Derek Jacobi (Gracchus)
  • Djimon Hounsou (Juba)
  • David Schofield (Falco)
  • John Shrapnel (Gaius)
  • Tomas Arana (Quintus)
  • Ralf Moeller (Hagen)
  • Tommy Flanagan (Cicero)
  • Spencer Treat Clark (Lucius)
  • David Hemmings (Cassius)
  • Sven-Ole Thorsen (Tigris)
  • Alun Raglan (Praetorian Guard #1)
  • (Director)
  • (Director)
  • Ridley Scott (Director)