
Wolverine, The

Lists: Action, Adventure, Marvel Comics, Superhero movie

Brief Synopsis: "Wolverine faces his ultimate nemesis - and tests of his physical, emotional, and mortal limits - in a life-changing voyage to modern-day Japan."

Overall Ranking: 2101 (Rank from 2013: # 101)

Adjusted* Rating:
(lowest rating dropped)

Ratings Breakdown
(The Mixed Bag)

Buttery 13.79%
Regular 51.72%
Half-Popped 31.03%
Stale 3.45%
Burnt 0%


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Included in Achievement Trios...

  • Latter Path Of Logan

  • Reviewer Rating Review
    JR B99
    Darren of Movie Reviews 10192(full review)
    Paul Perkins88
    Dave Examines Movies84(full review)
    Tim The Film Guy81(full review)
    Dan O'Neill80(full review)
    Hypersonic55 Curt80(full review)
    Richard Kirkham80(full review)
    Maurice of Movie Mixology80(full review)
    Movies Hate You Too80(full review)
    FilmHamster80(full review)
    Colin Flanagan80(full review)
    Rob from GuysFilmQuest78
    Minnesota Man75(full review)
    CinemaVisitor Erik70(full review)
    Bill Graham of Go, See, Talk!70(full review)
    Angry Vader70(full review)
    Nathan Adams and the Temple Of Reviews65.6(full review)
    Drezzy65 - You know what's awesome? How much better this movie is than the first Wolverine flick, and how well they handled making Wolverine actually look threatened. There's some pretty bad pacing issues, though, as the central third of the movie just kind of drags on compared to the first and final acts, and the ending feels tacked on as opposed to the great climactic point that it should have been. A few of the fight scenes were shot in that fucking atrocious Bourne-inspired "shaky cam" way, which was incredibly annoying given that the fights themselves looked well choreographed and were, otherwise, filmed very well. Hugh Jackman nails it out of the park, of course, and I appreciated the dreams/nightmares where Logan interacted with Jean. This was a damn good continuation of the original X-Men film series that doesn't mess with the timeline or continuity (like the first Wolvie did). I'm really hoping that Jackman has more than just a quick cameo in the upcoming Days of Future Past, just because he owns the role so damn well.
    CineKatz Vivek63(full review)
    Sober Film Critic James Brown61(full review)
    Fast Film Reviews Mark Hobin52(full review)
    Harvey Gardner50
    MandF Reviews50(full review)
    Tom Little of Digital Shortbread50(full review)
    Chris of This Is Madness50(full review)
    Aaron Leggo from Critical Critics43(full review)
    Gorgon Reviews43(full review)
    Ryan from Ten Stars Or Less30(full review)

    People Involved

  • Hugh Jackman (Logan / Wolverine)
  • Brian Tee (Noburo Mori)
  • Will Yun Lee (Kenuichio Harada / Silver Samurai)
  • Svetlana Khodchenkova (Viper)
  • Hiroyuki Sanada (Shingen Yashida)
  • Tao Okamoto (Mariko Yashida)
  • Hal Yamanouchi (Yashida)
  • Rila Fukushima (Yukio)
  • Hugh Jackman (Director)
  • James Mangold (Director)
  • Mark Bomback (Director)
  • magbo system