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CineKatz Vivek Movie Reviewer Profile

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Nothing here yet but I hope to soon.


Title Year Rating Rank Review
Whiplash2014901 - "Whiplash" is not about drumming, or jazz, or even about music. It's about the blood, sweat, tears, and drive it takes to achieve greatness. Like an asexual up-tempo version of "Black Swan," it's not my favorite film of the year or even of the Oscar nominations, but it's definitely the one I identify with the most. It does more to establish itself substantively than "Boyhood" and "Birdman" combined despite existing in similar thematic realms. It's straightforward, tight, fresh, exhilarating, and a *literal* slap in the face to today's grotesque self-esteem boosting participation medal "everyone wins" culture. And it doesn't need any of "Boyhood" or "Birdman"'s filmmaking gimmicks to do the trick. Those of you who were in band with me in high school might appreciate J.K. Simmons' drill sergeant conductor personality more than most, given our experiences. The only difference is that Simmons actually knows how to spit swears. He's amazing. And finally Miles Teller gets to shine in a film actually worth remembering.

Unranked Movies from the List

Boyhood ~ [Rate It Now]
Grand Budapest Hotel, The ~ [Rate It Now]
Birdman ~ [Rate It Now]
Selma ~ [Rate It Now]
The Imitation Game ~ [Rate It Now]
The Theory of Everything ~ [Rate It Now]
American Sniper ~ [Rate It Now]

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