The Disaster ArtistLists: Comedy, DramaBrief Synopsis: "An aspiring actor in Hollywood meets an enigmatic stranger by the name of Tommy Wiseau, the meeting leads the actor down a path nobody could have predicted; creating the worst movie ever made." Overall Ranking: 1028 (Rank from 2017: # 32)
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Reviewer | Rating | Review |
Michigan Movie Guy Silent Bob | 97 | (full review) |
Dave Examines Movies | 92 | |
Darren of Movie Reviews 101 | 90 | |
Le Anne of Tinsel And Tine | 84 | - What I like about The Disaster Artist is the fact that James Franco takes it all seriously, it's funny, but it's never mocking. It's obvious the film comes from a place of love and fascination for Wiseau and Sestero’s story... (full review) |
Paul's Trip To The Movies | 80 | (full review) |
Minnesota Man | 80 | - The more meta, the betta. (full review) |
Leah Greenblatt of EW | 78 | (full review) |
David Baruffi | 71 | (full review) |
Dan O'Neill | 70 | (full review) |
CineMarvellous George Beremov | 65 | (full review) |
Rob from GuysFilmQuest | 65 | (full review) |