Hail, Caesar!Lists: Comedy, Drama, MysteryBrief Synopsis: "Hail, Caesar! follows Eddie Mannix, a fixer working for Hollywood studios in the 1950s, trying to discover what happened to a cast member who vanishes during filming. http://tinyurl.com/glgu76l" Overall Ranking: 1886 (Rank from 2016: # 76)
Streaming Options |
Reviewer | Rating | Review |
Gorgon Reviews | 97 | (full review) |
Keith And The Movies | 88 | (full review) |
Citizen Charlie | 88 | (full review) |
The Void | 88 | (full review) |
Khalid Rafi | 84 | (full review) |
Bryan Lienesch | 83 | - Quite possibly one of the Coen brothers' best ones yet! |
Paul's Trip To The Movies | 80 | (full review) |
Sean Kelly | 80 | (full review) |
Lisa Marie Bowman | 80 | - It's totally self-indulgent and doesn't add up to much but I still liked it. (full review) |
Rob from GuysFilmQuest | 75 | (full review) |
Daniel Prinn at Daniel's Film Reviews | 70 | (full review) |
Often Off Topic Allie Adkins | 70 | - Would that it were so simple! (full review) |
Dan O'Neill | 65 | (full review) |
Minnesota Man | 60 | - Not a Cohen best, but it's fun to goof off every now and then. (full review) |
David Baruffi | 52 | (full review) |
Fast Film Reviews Mark Hobin | 43 | (full review) |
Nathan Adams and the Temple Of Reviews | 43 | (full review) |
StaceyJ | 30 |