50/50Lists: Comedy, DramaBrief Synopsis: "Inspired by a true story, a comedy centered on a 27-year-old guy who learns of his cancer diagnosis, and his subsequent struggle to beat the disease." Overall Ranking: 348 (Rank from 2011: # 9)
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Reviewer | Rating | Review |
Darren of Movie Reviews 101 | 97 | (full review) |
Gorgon Reviews | 97 | (full review) |
Sweet Popcorn And Late Nights | 97 | - A film about cancer that presents a real version, with tears and laughs included. One of the best films of last year. (full review) |
David Baruffi | 97 | (full review) |
Cinematic Katzenjammer Nick | 96 | (full review) |
CineKatz Ries | 96 | (full review) |
Dan O'Neill | 90 | - Cancer and comedy may be a hard subject to make watchable, but 50/50 does that perfectly. With great acting from the whole cast, hilarious moments, and as well as some tender ones as well, this film creates a story that almost seems like real-life with characters that are all perfectly fleshed out. (full review) |
Cut The Crap Movie Reviews by Aiden R | 90 | (full review) |
Dave Examines Movies | 90 | (full review) |
Sober Film Critic James Brown | 88 | (full review) |
That Movie Guy Dion Wyn Hughes | 88 | (full review) |
Steve Habrat | 85 | - 50/50 lets us know that laughter and friendship is the best medicine out there. (full review) |
Colin Carman | 85 | |
Bryan Lienesch | 84 | - Underrated as a quality film. Thoroughly enjoyable as it dabbled in an often unsuccessful area of dark comedy. |
CinemaVisitor Erik | 80 | |
Nathan Adams and the Temple Of Reviews | 80 | (full review) |
Maurice of Movie Mixology | 80 | (full review) |
Skooch | 80 | - The only failing that the movie has – in my humble opinion – is that overall, while it is a hopeful story, it is dark and fairly depressing subject material that does not really lend itself to re-watching over and over. (full review) |
Tom Little of Digital Shortbread | 80 | (full review) |
Patrick Devitt | 80 | |
MandF Reviews | 80 | (full review) |
Jordan K | 80 | |
Rob from GuysFilmQuest | 80 | |
Paul B | 80 | - More drama than comedy but well done. |
Thomas Pollock | 70 |