
Hyde Park On Hudson

Lists: Comedy, Biopic

Brief Synopsis: "The story of the love affair between FDR and his distant cousin Margaret Stuckley, centered around the weekend in 1939 when the King and Queen of the United Kingdom visited upstate New York."

Overall Ranking: 3023 (Rank from 2012: # 130)

Adjusted* Rating:
(lowest rating dropped)

Ratings Breakdown
(The Mixed Bag)

Buttery 0%
Regular 16.67%
Half-Popped 75%
Stale 8.33%
Burnt 0%


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Reviewer Rating Review
Rob from GuysFilmQuest75
David Baruffi70(full review)
Le Anne of Tinsel And Tine61 - How could anyone seduce the President of the United States wearing oxfords, long printed frocks and spinster cardigan sweaters? Even if said President was crippled by polio and the year is 1939. Yet Margaret "Daisy" Suckley (Laura Linney) dressed thus, became Franklin Delano Roosevelt's (Bill Murray) intimate confident and companion during a major portion of his life.
(full review)
Minnesota Man60(full review)
Maurice of Movie Mixology60(full review)
Patrick Devitt60
CinemaVisitor Erik55(full review)
Sober Film Critic James Brown52(full review)
Dan O'Neill50(full review)
Angry Vader43(full review)
Gorgon Reviews43(full review)
Lisa Marie Bowman30 - Slow and disappointing. What a way to waste Bill Murray!
(full review)

People Involved

  • Bill Murray (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
  • Olivia Williams (Eleanor Roosevelt)
  • Laura Linney (Daisy)
  • Olivia Colman (Queen Elizabeth)
  • Roger Michell (Director)