Reviewer Profile

J Bumgardner Movie Reviewer Profile

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Title Year Rating Rank Review
American Beauty19991001
Fight Club19991001
Godfather: Part II, The19741001
Star Trek: First Contact19961001
Baby Driver2017957
Blade Runner1982957
Drugstore Cowboy1989957 - Matt Dillon turns in a great performance as a drug dealer that scores his goods by robbing pharmacies and hospitals. Eventually heat from the authorities convinces him to change his ways but even sober he can't quite get away from his past. Great movie, extremely well-acted.
Ready or Not2019957
Stand by Me1986957
Star Wars V: Empire Strikes Back1980957
Avengers: Infinity War20189013
Back to the Future19859013
Cabin in the Woods, The20119013
Christmas Vacation, National Lampoon's19899013
Cloud Atlas20129013
Everything Is Illuminated20059013
Godfather, The19729013
Goonies, The19859013
Grosse Pointe Blank19979013
Heavy Trip20189013
Hunger Games: Catching Fire, The20139013
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade19899013
Lo and Behold: Reveries of the Connected World20169013
Outsiders, The (1983)19839013
Pulp Fiction19949013
Pump Up the Volume19909013 - Cult classic from the early 90s. Christian Slater is a high school senior whose parents move him from New York to Arizona. This makes him an outcast and he starts broadcasting a show on a short wave radio out of boredom, but eventually the entire school starts listening. In the process he uncovers corruption among the faculty and becomes a target. Fun, but also a serious commentary on our educational system.
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country19919013
Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan19829013
There Will Be Blood20079013
War for the Planet of the Apes20179013
40 Year Old Virgin, The20058543
A Fork in the Road20108543 - More of a dark comedy. Convict escapes from police transport in the middle of nowhere. As he tries to hide from the authorities he ends up getting involved in a crazy scenario with some locals.
AVENGERS, The20128543
Avengers: Endgame20198543
Bad Santa20038543
Good Will Hunting19978543
Mean Girls20048543
Princess Bride, The19878543
Raiders of the Lost Ark19818543
Remember the Titans20008543
Saving Private Ryan19988543
Seven Psychopaths20128543
Shakespeare in Love19988543
Thor: Ragnarok20178543
Time Lapse20148543
Untouchables, The19878543
Very Bad Things19988543
Vicky Cristina Barcelona20088543
American Pie19998065
Army of Darkness19928065
Captain America: The Winter Soldier20148065
Departed, The20068065
Dumb And Dumber19948065
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind20048065
Get Shorty19958065
Guardians of the Galaxy20148065
Harold And Kumar Go To White Castle20048065
Inglourious Basterds20098065
Insider, The19998065
Killing Them Softly20128065
Kings Speech, The20108065
Lion King, The 19948065
Punch-Drunk Love20028065
Rum Diary, The20118065 - From the mind of Hunter S. Thompson who also wrote Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas. Johnny Depp plays a similar role. He's a recently-arrived reporter in Puerto Rico and gets himself mixed up with some seedy expatriates. Fun movie. Amber Heard does nice work as the eye candy.
Shogun Assassin19808065
Star Trek (2009)20098065
Star Trek Beyond20168065
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home19868065
Star Trek: Generations19948065
Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith 20058065
Star Wars IV: A New Hope19778065
Temple of Doom19848065
Upstream Color20138065
Wind River20178065
Captain America: Civil War20167593
Captain Marvel20197593
Doctor Strange20167593
Easy A20107593
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 220177593
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang20057593
Mighty Ducks, The19927593
Pineapple Express20087593
Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi 19837593
Stranger, The20107593 - Steve Austin plays a man of action who can't remember who he is, though many important people want some information that's supposedly buried in his memory. A smoking hot psychiatrist tracks him down to help him but they have to go on the run from the authorities. Excellent action, Stone Cold, and a hot chick. Goes great with case of Steveweisers.
Uncertainty20097593 - Follows the days a couple would have depending on which choice they make. In one they go to Long Island to visit family, in the other they go to Manhattan for the day. The stories run concurrently with the movie jumping back and forth. Different but enjoyable.
A Knights Tale200170106
Ant-Man and the Wasp201870106
Black Panther201870106
Buffy the Vampire Slayer199270106
Captain America: The First Avenger201170106
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind200270106
Fast And Furious200970106
Iron Man200870106
Karate Kid198470106
Star Trek: Nemesis200270106
Star Trek: The Motion Picture197970106
Tape200170106 - Two guys re-unite in a hotel room 10 years after high school and discuss their recollection of certain events. Eventually a girl they both had a history with is inserted into the mix with quite a bit of drama unfolding. The entire movie takes place in the hotel room with those three actors. Worth a watch if you're ok with extremely dialogue-driven movies.
Iron Man 3201365119
Spider-Man: Homecoming201765119
Thor: The Dark World201365119
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?198865119
Godfather Part III, The199060125
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock198460125
Star Trek: Insurrection199860125
Star Wars I: Phantom Menace 199960125
The Replacements200060125
Avengers: Age of Ultron201555131
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull200855131
Master and Commander200355131
Iron Man 2201050134
Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones200250134
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier198920136

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