

Lists: Adventure, Animated, Drama, Family, Musicals

Brief Synopsis: "A mountain climber and a young girl named Anna journey through snowy peaks and dangerous cliffs to find the legendary Snow Queen and end the perpetual winter prophecy that has fallen over their kingdom."

Overall Ranking: 712 (Rank from 2013: # 28)

Adjusted* Rating:
(lowest rating dropped)

Ratings Breakdown
(The Mixed Bag)

Buttery 37.04%
Regular 59.26%
Half-Popped 3.7%
Stale 0%
Burnt 0%


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Included in Achievement Trios...

  • Pixar Leading Ladies

  • People Involved

  • Kristen Bell (Anna)
  • Idina Menzel (Elsa - Snow Queen)
  • Jonathan Groff (Kristoff)
  • Josh Gad (Olaf)
  • Alan Tudyk (Duke of Weselton)
  • Eva Bella (Young Elsa)
  • Livvy Stubenrauch (Young Anna)
  • Santino Fontana (Hans)
  • Christopher Williams (Oaken)
  • Patricia Lentz ()
  • Angela Frances DAnna (Director)
  • Chris Buck (Director)
  • Peter Del Vecho (Director)