Drama, Horror, Mystery
Brief Synopsis: "In Justine’s family everyone is a vet and a vegetarian. At 16, she’s a gifted teen ready to take on her first year in vet school, where her older sister also studies. There, she gets no time to settle: hazing starts right away. Justine is forced to eat raw meat for the first time in her life. Unexpected consequences emerge as her true self begins to form."
Overall Ranking: 1360
(Rank from 2017: # 42)
Rating: |
76.17 |
Adjusted* Rating: (lowest rating dropped) |
79.4 |
Ratings Breakdown (The Mixed Bag)
Buttery |
33.33% |
Regular |
50% |
Half-Popped |
16.67% |
Stale |
0% |
Burnt |
0% |
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