Free FireLists: Action, Action Comedy, Crime / Heist, Dark comedy, Girls with GunsBrief Synopsis: "FREE FIRE is a crime drama set in 1970s Boston, about a gun sale which goes wrong." Overall Ranking: 1990 (Rank from 2017: # 65)
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Reviewer | Rating | Review |
Keith Noakes | 90 | (full review) |
Daniel Prinn at Daniel's Film Reviews | 88 | (full review) |
Richard Kirkham | 80 | (full review) |
Brent | 71 | (full review) |
Le Anne of Tinsel And Tine | 70 | - Surprisingly a movie full of shooting, whizzing bullets, taking cover, fighting, groaning, crawling, hopping, slithering, dragging, hobbling, cursing, limping, bleeding and double crossing is super fun and amusing in this context. (full review) |
Lisa Marie Bowman | 65 | - It's an experiment that doesn't really work but it's watchable nonetheless. (full review) |
Paul's Trip To The Movies | 61 | (full review) |
Rob from GuysFilmQuest | 60 | (full review) |
Darren of Movie Reviews 101 | 42 |