
Sting, The

Lists: Comedy, Drama, Crime / Heist, Academy Award Best Picture Winners - All Time, Best Picture Winners from the 1970s, Best Picture nominee 1970 to 1979

Brief Synopsis: "Set in the 1930's this intricate caper deals with an ambitious small-time crook and a veteran con man who seek revenge on a vicious crime lord who murdered one of their gang."

Overall Ranking: 276 (Rank from 1973: # 3)

Adjusted* Rating:
(lowest rating dropped)

Ratings Breakdown
(The Mixed Bag)

Buttery 76.92%
Regular 23.08%
Half-Popped 0%
Stale 0%
Burnt 0%


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Reviewer Rating Review
Morgan On Media97(full review)
David Baruffi97
Skooch95(full review)
Adam Shaftoe90
Warning Sign90(full review)
Ryan from Ten Stars Or Less90(full review)
Rich Alejandro88 - I am a sucker for Paul Newman movies, I will admit. I am also a sucker for Redford movies, and if you look around TheLast Castle, I did work for that movie. So, this is one of my favorites just for the story and the fact theres two of my all time favorites in there.
Thomas Pollock88(full review)
Cinematic Katzenjammer Nick87(full review)
Dan O'Neill85 - Though it runs on too long, The Sting is still beautiful to look at as well as being incredibly entertaining, charming, funny, well-acted, and featuring lots and lots of twists and turns to keep any watcher on the edge of their seat.
(full review)
Rob from GuysFilmQuest83 - Not enough time spent tying up loose ends and explaining how things fit together, but if you don't need FULL closure it is still a really clever movie.
Darren of Movie Reviews 10172
Jay of Life Vs Film70(full review)

People Involved

  • Paul Newman (Henry Gondorff)
  • Robert Redford (Johnny Hooker)
  • Robert Shaw (Doyle Lonnegan)
  • Charles Durning (Lt. Wm. Snyder)
  • George Roy Hill (Director)
  • magbo system