Fantastic FourLists: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Marvel Comics, Superhero movie, Razzies Worst Picture NomineesBrief Synopsis: "Four young scientists teleport to an alternate and dangerous universe, which alters their physical form in shocking ways. They must now use these abilities to save the world from a former friend turned enemy." Overall Ranking: 3374 (Rank from 2015: # 175)
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Reviewer | Rating | Review |
Bryan Lienesch | 77 | - It's a solid attempt to bring back the Fantastic Four franchise. The real question is did we need this film just eight years after the last one? |
Rob from GuysFilmQuest | 73 | (full review) |
SaJaK | 70 | |
Le Anne of Tinsel And Tine | 65.6 | - Yes, the movie is three parts build up/origins story, it does take a long time before they get or use their powers, but it's not boring or badly handled. It sets out to establish the team as friends and family, while attempting to make the Quantum Physics plausible and relatable. The thing that is missing from the movie is the trademark Marvel, laugh out loud humor. (full review) |
Fast Film Reviews Mark Hobin | 61 | (full review) |
Gorgon Reviews | 43 | (full review) |
Silver Screen Riot Matt Oakes | 43 | (full review) |
Mac the Movie Guy | 43 | (full review) |
Sober Film Critic James Brown | 43 | - We spend the bulk of Fantastic Four working our way up to the events on Planet Zero in the Negative Zone. This means we spend the bulk of the film watching a rather drab science project being carried out by a bunch of young adults with attitude problems. (full review) |
CineMarvellous George Beremov | 40 | (full review) |
Keith And The Movies | 34 | (full review) |
Khalid Rafi | 32 | (full review) |
Movie Waffler Eric Hillis | 30 | (full review) |
Marshall And The Movies | 25 | (full review) |
Paul's Trip To The Movies | 25 | (full review) |
Carly Booth | 11.6 | (full review) |