TuskLists: Comedy, Drama, Horror, ThrillerBrief Synopsis: "When his best friend and podcast co-host goes missing in the backwoods of Canada, a young guy joins forces with his friend's girlfriend to search for him." Overall Ranking: 3246 (Rank from 2014: # 194)
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Reviewer | Rating | Review |
Gorgon Reviews | 80 | (full review) |
Silver Screen Riot Matt Oakes | 71 | (full review) |
Bryan Lienesch | 62 | - Kevin Smith's understated parody plays more like an inside joke. By the time chuckles turn into genuine laughter, 'Tusk' is nearly over. |
David Baruffi | 61 | (full review) |
Minnesota Man | 60 | (full review) |
LastFilmSeen | 60 | (full review) |
StaceyJ | 40 | |
Dave Examines Movies | 38 | (full review) |
George Rother of MovieGuy 24/7 | 35 | (full review) |
Citizen Charlie | 34 | (full review) |
Tom Little of Digital Shortbread | 31 | (full review) |
Dan O'Neill | 20 | (full review) |