Reviewer Profile

karma Movie Reviewer Profile

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Nothing here yet but I hope to soon.


Title Year Rating Rank Review
Raiders of the Lost Ark19811001
Karate Kid1984902 - Scored this high because it's a great film and also for its cultural impact.
Layer Cake2004902 - Layer Cake is tied with Casino Royale for my favorite Daniel Craig film. Here's some funny facts regarding my family watching this one. My brothers and I had to pause and rewind this film several times because of the near incomprehensible mumble-mouth English accents and slang dialogue. That's my only pet peeve with British films. The country is the origin of the English language and nobody speaks the damn language!
Lethal Weapon1987902 - Completely redefined the cop-based action drama.
Karate Kid Part III, The1989855 - Really should not have been made, but it is entertaining as a good bad movie.
Temple of Doom1984855
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade1989807
Lethal Weapon 21989807 - Not as good as the first film, but still very entertaining. With Mel's damaged rep, it's ironic that he faced evil white supremacists in this one.
Lethal Weapon 41998759 - Much needed change in direction for the series. While they had great chemistry before, Mel and Glover were comedic gold in this one. Jet Li is very evil and very scary, too. Even with his limited acting skills, he makes a great villian.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull20087010
Karate Kid Part II19867010
Next Karate Kid, The19946512 - Entertaining as a good bad movie.
Lethal Weapon 319926013 - Weakest film in the series IMO. A little too much of the same to me. I could me wrong, though. My bro likes this one over part 2.
Karate Kid (2010 - Jackie Chan)20105514 - Parts of it work, parts of it doesn’t. I think the kids were too young to create the same level of tension that was around Daniel-san in his first and second film, but we do get some really solid acting from Jackie Chan. The tournament at the end was way too violent, which further confused the tone of the film. It was also very exploitive to call the movie the Karate Kid when he’s learning Kung Fu.
Old School20035015 - This isn't my favorite comedy by any stretch. But there are some very funny parts in it. The less-talented Wilson brother slapping the shit out of his co-worker for mentioning the boss' daughter is priceless.

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