
Michael Clayton

Lists: Drama, Mystery, Thriller, Conspiracy thriller, Best Picture nominee 2000 to 2009

Brief Synopsis: "A law firm brings in its "fixer" to remedy the situation after a lawyer has a breakdown while representing a chemical company that he knows is guilty in a multi-billion dollar class action suit."

Overall Ranking: 1670 (Rank from 2007: # 37)

Adjusted* Rating:
(lowest rating dropped)

Ratings Breakdown
(The Mixed Bag)

Buttery 25%
Regular 50%
Half-Popped 12.5%
Stale 12.5%
Burnt 0%


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Reviewer Rating Review
Bryan Lienesch91 - When you draw up a big-business thriller and execute it flawlessly, very little proves to be more worth your two hours.
David Baruffi88
Rob from GuysFilmQuest82
Dan O'Neill80(full review)
Andrew Buckle of The Film Emporium80(full review)
Lisa Marie Bowman80 - Well-made and entertaining but predictable as well.
Daniel Prinn at Daniel's Film Reviews50(full review)
Gorgon Reviews34

People Involved

  • George Clooney (Michael Clayton)
  • Tom Wilkinson (Arthur Edens)
  • Tilda Swinton (Karen Crowder)
  • Sydney Pollack (Marty Bach)
  • Michael OKeefe (Barry Grissom)
  • Robert Prescott (Mr. Verne)
  • Tony Gilroy (Director)