Mr. TurnerLists: Drama, Independent Film Award Nominees - BIFABrief Synopsis: "An exploration of the last quarter century of the great, if eccentric, British painter J.M.W. Turner's life." Overall Ranking: 2412 (Rank from 2014: # 119)
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Reviewer | Rating | Review |
Citizen Charlie | 97 | (full review) |
David Baruffi | 88 | - The review is incomplete (full review) |
Movie Waffler Eric Hillis | 80 | (full review) |
Dan O'Neill | 80 | (full review) |
Marshall And The Movies | 70 | (full review) |
Minnesota Man | 60 | - Murder on the backside...but lovely to look at. (full review) |
Sober Film Critic James Brown | 56.6 | - Gorgeous shots and grunts don't make a movie of this length, and parts of Turner's tale are torturously boring. (full review) |
Rob from GuysFilmQuest | 50 | (full review) |
Fast Film Reviews Mark Hobin | 43 | (full review) |
Gorgon Reviews | 25 | (full review) |