Two Days, One NightLists: DramaBrief Synopsis: "Sandra is a young woman who has only one weekend to convince her colleagues they must give up their bonuses in order for her to keep her job — not an easy task in this economy." Overall Ranking: 679 (Rank from 2014: # 27)
Streaming Options |
Reviewer | Rating | Review |
Marshall And The Movies | 97 | (full review) |
Gorgon Reviews | 97 | (full review) |
The Void | 97 | (full review) |
Tom Little of Digital Shortbread | 95 | (full review) |
Popcorn Scorn | 88 | (full review) |
Movie Waffler Eric Hillis | 80 | (full review) |
Dan O'Neill | 80 | (full review) |
David Baruffi | 70 | (full review) |
Fast Film Reviews Mark Hobin | 61 | (full review) |
Sober Film Critic James Brown | 61 | - Two Days, One Night has an absolutely preposterous premise. It's the Survivor of the job market whereby the audience already knows who has been voted off the island. (full review) |