ParkerLists: Action, RevengeBrief Synopsis: "A thief with a unique code of professional ethics is double-crossed by his crew and left for dead. Assuming a new disguise and forming an unlikely alliance with a woman on the inside, he looks to hijack the score of the crew's latest heist." Overall Ranking: 3132 (Rank from 2013: # 187)
Streaming Options |
Reviewer | Rating | Review |
Dave Examines Movies | 62 | (full review) |
Nathan Adams and the Temple Of Reviews | 61 | (full review) |
Movies Hate You Too | 61 | (full review) |
Caz of Lets Go To The Movies | 61 | (full review) |
Dan O'Neill | 60 | - If you know what you’re getting yourself into when you walk through the doors of a movie starring Jason Statham, then you know exactly what to expect from Parker and that is loud, unpolished, and unapologetic joy and desire to have a good time, even if it is nothing new or refreshing that you haven’t already witnessed before. (full review) |
James Patrick | 60 | |
Darren of Movie Reviews 101 | 59 | (full review) |
Dan Fogarty - Fogs Movie Reviews | 55 | - Grade: C (full review) |
CinemaVisitor Erik | 45 | (full review) |
Gorgon Reviews | 43 | (full review) |
Angry Vader | 34 | (full review) |
Sober Film Critic James Brown | 25 | (full review) |