28 Days Later [hph2013 Take 28]


28 Days Later

Four weeks after a mysterious, incurable virus spreads throughout the UK, a handful of survivors try to find sanctuary.

Directed by Danny Boyle

Written by Alex Garland

Starring: Cillian Murphy, Naomie Harris and Christopher Eccleston


Dan O’Neil – 95/100 – The world that Boyle paints is as devastating and frightening as it gets; the characters are more well-rounded and developed than the script actually gives them credit for; the scares and chills get to you by the utter feel of realism that shoots-out in every frame of this picture; and the message about who we are as humans and what we’ll do to live-on in life is as heartbreaking and brutally honest as it can get. Definitely go out there and see it, not just to be scared, but also to be a bit enlightened as well.” (full review)

Usman Ashraf – 95/100 – “One of the best zombie movies I’ve ever seen (even though it really isn’t a zombie film). If you are a fan of the post-apocalyptic genre, this is absolutely a must see!

For more reviews for 28 DAYS LATER on Half Popped Reviews click here!


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