Half Popped Halloween 2013

Each October, Half Popped Reviews is going to feature a list of spooky films throughout the month. As the month progresses, each film will be featured on a given day, along with any reviews in the system for that film.

Here’s the schedule of films for October 2013:

October 1 – The Exorcist

October 2 – Psycho

October 3 – Scream

October 4 – Jaws

October 5 – Silence Of The Lambs

October 6 – The Sixth Sense

October 7 – Se7en

October 8 – Blair Witch Project

October 9 – The Thing (1982)

October 10 – The Cabin In The Woods

October 11 – A Nightmare on Elm Street

October 12 – Paranormal Activity

October 13 – Friday The 13th

October 14 – The Shining

October 15 – Evil Dead (original)

October 16 – Night Of The Living Dead

October 17 – The Omen

October 18 – Carrie (original)

October 19 – Invasion of the Body Snatchers

October 20 – Alien

October 21 – Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

October 22 – The Conjuring

October 23 – Saw

October 24 – The Blob

October 25 – The Fly

October 26 – Insidious 

October 27 – You’re Next 

October 28 – 28 Days Later 

October 29 – I Saw The Devil 

October 30 – The Ring

October 31 – Halloween


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