
Stanley Kubrick

Ranked Movies

Rank Movie Avg - Buttery Regular Half-Popped Stale Burnt
1Paths of Glory 93.4%80%20%0%0%0%
2Eyes Wide Shut 89.25%50%50%0%0%0%
3Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb 88.86%57.1%42.9%0%0%0%
42001: A Space Odyssey 85.58%76.9%7.7%7.7%7.7%0%
5Barry Lyndon 84.5%50%50%0%0%0%
6Shining, The 82.12%58.8%23.5%11.8%5.9%0%
7A Clockwork Orange 81.48%66.7%20.8%4.2%4.2%4.2%
8Spartacus 81.25%25%75%0%0%0%
9Full Metal Jacket 80.11%33.3%55.6%11.1%0%0%
Rank Movie Avg - Buttery Regular Half-Popped Stale Burnt

Un-Ranked Movies

Movie Current Avg
The Killing 88.5%
Dreams That Money Can Buy 75%
Lolita 70%
Movie Current Avg