Adventure, Drama, Biopic, Historical, War, Epic, AFI 100 (2007)
Brief Synopsis: "Spartacus is a 1960 American historical drama film directed by Stanley Kubrick and based on the novel of the same name by Howard Fast about the historical life of Spartacus and the Third Servile War. The film stars Kirk Douglas as the rebellious slave Spartacus who leads a violent revolt against the decadent Roman empire. The film was awarded four Oscars and stands today as one of the greatest classics of the Sword and Sandal genre."
Overall Ranking: 823
(Rank from 1960: # 3)
Rating: |
81.25 |
Adjusted* Rating: (lowest rating dropped) |
81.67 |
Ratings Breakdown (The Mixed Bag)
Buttery |
25% |
Regular |
75% |
Half-Popped |
0% |
Stale |
0% |
Burnt |
0% |
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