

Lists: Drama

Brief Synopsis: "Set in 1930s North Carolina, George Pemberton's timber empire is in jeopardy when it becomes clear that his wife, Serena, is as barren as the land he harvests."

Overall Ranking: 3337 (Rank from 2014: # 203)

Adjusted* Rating:
(lowest rating dropped)

Ratings Breakdown
(The Mixed Bag)

Buttery 0%
Regular 12.5%
Half-Popped 62.5%
Stale 12.5%
Burnt 12.5%


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Reviewer Rating Review
Bryan Lienesch74 - Kudos to the cast and crew for making a film as good as this that doesn't go to the usual subjects of the time period.
Damon Schneider57
CinemaVisitor Erik50
Marshall And The Movies50(full review)
Emily Estep43(full review)
Gorgon Reviews43(full review)
David Baruffi34(full review)
Dan O'Neill20(full review)

People Involved

  • Jennifer Lawrence (Serena Pemberton)
  • Bradley Cooper (George Pemberton)
  • Rhys Ifans (Galloway)
  • Toby Jones (Sheriff McDowell)
  • Blake Ritson (Lowenstein)
  • Susanne Bier (Director)