American Dreamz
Comedy, Drama, Family
Brief Synopsis: "The new season of "American Dreamz," the wildly popular television singing contest, has captured the country's attention, as the competition looks to be between a young Midwestern gal (Moore) and a showtunes-loving young man from Orange County (Golzari). Recently awakened President Staton (Quaid) even wants in on the craze, as he signs up for the potential explosive season finale."
Overall Ranking: 3288
(Rank from 2006: # 59)
Rating: |
48 |
Adjusted* Rating: (lowest rating dropped) |
52 |
Ratings Breakdown (The Mixed Bag)
Buttery |
0% |
Regular |
0% |
Half-Popped |
100% |
Stale |
0% |
Burnt |
0% |
Streaming Options