

Lists: Action, Drama, War, Academy Award Best Picture Winners - All Time, Best Picture Winners from the 1980s, AFI 100 (2007), Best Picture nominee 1980 to 1989

Brief Synopsis: "Chris Taylor, a young, naive recruit in Vietnam, faces a moral crisis when confronted with the horrors of war and the duality of man."

Overall Ranking: 1596 (Rank from 1986: # 13)

Adjusted* Rating:
(lowest rating dropped)

Ratings Breakdown
(The Mixed Bag)

Buttery 37.5%
Regular 37.5%
Half-Popped 12.5%
Stale 12.5%
Burnt 0%


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Reviewer Rating Review
David Baruffi97
Dan O'Neill95(full review)
CineKatz Ries87(full review)
Rob from GuysFilmQuest80
Bryan Lienesch80 - This is THE Vietnam War movie. All others are just fighting for second.
Thomas Pollock70
Annwyn S50
Ryan from Ten Stars Or Less30(full review)

People Involved

  • Charlie Sheen (Pvt. Chris Taylor)
  • Willem Dafoe (Sgt. Elias Grodin)
  • Forest Whitaker (Big Harold)
  • Kevin Dillon (Bunny)
  • John C. McGinley (Sgt. Red ONeill)
  • Francesco Quinn (Rhah)
  • Richard Edson (Sal)
  • Reggie Johnson (Junior Martin)
  • Keith David (King)
  • David Neidorf (Tex)
  • Mark Moses (Lt. Wolfe)
  • Chris Pedersen (Crawford)
  • Ivan Kane (Tony Hoyt)
  • Paul Sanchez (Doc Gomez)
  • J. Adam Glover (Sanderson)
  • Corey Glover (Francis)
  • Bob Orwig (Pvt. Gardner)
  • Kevin Eshelman (Morehouse)
  • Terry McIlvain (Ace)
  • Dale Dye (Capt. Harris)
  • Oliver Stone (Alpha Company major in bunker)
  • Tom Berenger (SSgt. Bob Barnes)
  • Johnny Depp (Private Gator Lerner)
  • Oliver Stone (Director)
  • magbo system