Rise Of The Guardians [hpholidays ’13 Day 17]


When the evil spirit Pitch launches an assault on Earth, the Immortal Guardians team up to protect the innocence of children all around the world.

Rating: 73.4/100

Rating Breakdown:

  • Buttery – 27.27%
  • Regular – 54.55%
  • Half-Popped – 18.18%
    (Intepretation: most people love it, some think it’s just good and quite a few people think it’s average)

Ranked 52nd from 2012


rise-guardians-santa-header rise-of-the-guardians-bunnymund-hugh-jackman-slice


Dave Examines Movies – (full review)

Dan O’Neill – (full review)

Angry Vader – (full review)

Check out the full page for RISE OF THE GUARDIANS here on Half Popped Reviews!

RISE OF THE GUARDIANS is part of the Winter Holiday Series!


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