
Super 8

Lists: Action, Adventure, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller, Monster movie

Brief Synopsis: "In the summer of 1979, a group of friends in a small Ohio town witness a catastrophic train crash while making a super 8 movie and soon suspect that it was not an accident. Shortly after, unusual disappearances and inexplicable events begin to take place in town, and the local Deputy tries to uncover the truth – something more terrifying than any of them could have imagined."

Overall Ranking: 1065 (Rank from 2011: # 38)

Adjusted* Rating:
(lowest rating dropped)

Ratings Breakdown
(The Mixed Bag)

Buttery 35.29%
Regular 52.94%
Half-Popped 11.76%
Stale 0%
Burnt 0%


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Reviewer Rating Review
Nathan Adams and the Temple Of Reviews97(full review)
Sober Film Critic James Brown97(full review)
Coogs Film Blog97(full review)
Dan O'Neill90 - Some may be annoyed from the constant nostalgia feel of this film, but Super 8 is a J.J. Abrams’ beautiful homage to all of the old Spielberg films of the 80′s with a great screenplay that is funny and emotional, fun action, and just reminds us what Summer blockbusters should always be like.
(full review)
Gorgon Reviews88(full review)
R McNeely85(full review)
Dave Examines Movies80(full review)
Rob from GuysFilmQuest80
Colin Flanagan80(full review)
Skooch80(full review)
Chris of This Is Madness75 - My ratings are on a five point scale, translated as such: 1 - Abysmal, 25 - Bad, 50 - Mediocre, 75 - Good, 100 - Great
(full review)
Daniel Prinn at Daniel's Film Reviews75(full review)
David Baruffi70(full review)
Patrick Devitt70
CinemaVisitor Erik65
Thomas Pollock60
3Guys Griff50(full review)

People Involved

  • Kyle Chandler (Jackson Lamb)
  • Elle Fanning (Alice Dainard)
  • Amanda Michalka (Jen Kaznyk)
  • Noah Emmerich (Nelec)
  • Ron Eldard (Louis Dainard)
  • Joel Courtney (Joe Lamb)
  • Riley Griffiths (Charles)
  • Ryan Lee (Cary)
  • Gabriel Basso (Martin)
  • Zach Mills (Preston)
  • Jessica Tuck (Mrs. Kaznyk)
  • Joel McKinnon Miller (Mr. Kaznyk)
  • Britt Flatmo (Peg Kaznyk)
  • Glynn Turman (Dr. Woodward)
  • Richard T. Jones (Overmyer)
  • Tom Quinn (Mr. McCandless)
  • J.J. Abrams (Director)
  • magbo system