
Joely Richardson

Ranked Movies

Rank Movie Avg - Buttery Regular Half-Popped Stale Burnt
1Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (American) 83.25%57.1%39.3%3.6%0%0%
2Event Horizon 74.25%25%50%25%0%0%
3Maggie 70.29%0%57.1%42.9%0%0%
4Snowden 69.8%20%60%20%0%0%
5Patriot, The 69.5%33.3%33.3%16.7%0%16.7%
6101 Dalmatians 68.67%0%66.7%33.3%0%0%
7Thanks for Sharing 64%9.1%27.3%63.6%0%0%
8Anonymous 61.25%0%37.5%62.5%0%0%
9Red Sparrow 58.25%0%37.5%50%12.5%0%
10Vampire Academy: Blood Sisters 39.62%0%0%55.6%22.2%22.2%
11Endless Love 38.43%0%0%42.9%14.3%42.9%
Rank Movie Avg - Buttery Regular Half-Popped Stale Burnt

Un-Ranked Movies

Movie Current Avg
The Last Mimzy 78%
Color Out of Space 77.5%
Lady Chatterley's Lover 75%
In Darkness 68%
King Ralph 61%
The Turning 27%
The Affair of the Necklace 25%
Red Lights 0%
Shining Through 0%
Surviving Christmas with the Relatives 0%
Movie Current Avg

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