
Eight Men Out

Lists: Baseball movies

Brief Synopsis: "The great Chicago White Sox team of 1919 is the saddest team to ever win a pennent. The team is bitter at their penny pincher owner, Charles Comiskey, and at their own teammates. Gamblers take advantage of this opportunity to offer some players $ to throw the series (Most of the players didn't get as much as promised.) But Buck Weaver and the great Shoeless Joe Jackson turn back at the last minute to try and play their best. The Sox actually almost come back from a 3-1 deficit. 2 years later, the truth breaks out and the Sox are sued on multiple accounts. They are found innocent by the jury but baseball commissioner Landis has other plans. The eight players are suspended for life, and Buck Weaver, for the rest of his life, tries to clear his name."

Overall Ranking: 1864 (Rank from 1988: # 15)

Adjusted* Rating:
(lowest rating dropped)

Ratings Breakdown
(The Mixed Bag)

Buttery 33.33%
Regular 33.33%
Half-Popped 33.33%
Stale 0%
Burnt 0%


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Reviewer Rating Review
Bryan Lienesch87 - I can't help but to realize what interesting commentary this pastime period piece gives us on our modern day PED scandals.
Dan O'Neill65(full review)
David Baruffi61

People Involved

  • John Cusack (George Buck Weaver)
  • Christopher Lloyd (Sleepy Bill Burns)
  • Charlie Sheen (Oscar Hap Felsch)
  • D. B. Sweeney (Joseph Shoeless Joe Jackson)
  • Clifton James (Charles Commie Comiskey)
  • Michael Lerner (Arnold Rothstein)
  • John Mahoney (William Kid Gleason)
  • David Strathairn (Eddie Cicotte)
  • Michael Rooker (Arnold Chick Gandil)
  • Don Harvey (Charles Swede Risberg)
  • James Read (Claude Lefty Williams)
  • Perry Lang (Fred McMullin)
  • Gordon Clapp (Ray Schalk)
  • Jace Alexander (Dickie Kerr)
  • Bill Irwin (Eddie Collins)
  • Richard Edson (Billy Maharg)
  • Kevin Tighe (Joseph Sport Sullivan)
  • Michael Mantell (Abe Attell)
  • John Anderson (Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis)
  • Studs Terkel (Hugh Fullerton)
  • John Sayles (Ring Lardner)
  • Clyde Bassett (Ban Johnson)
  • Barbara Garrick (Helen Weaver)
  • Wendy Makkena (Kate Jackson)
  • Maggie Renzi (Rose Cicotte)
  • Nancy Travis (Lyra Williams)
  • John Sayles (Director)
  • magbo system