Our friends over at CineKatz came up with an interesting concept for a film review Secret Santa, though it’s not so secret, and it’s not just for film reviews. It’s for anything creative corresponding to that film, but I’m guessing that many of the responses will be in the form of film reviews.
According to their website, here’s how it all works:
The way the event works is simple. You sign up to participate, including your name, website (if you have one), email, and a particular film you’d love to see someone else review. Now, this can be anything from the bizarre to your favorites, any everything in between. Hell, it can be a horror movie you’re just too afraid to see by yourself, and want to have someone else experience the fear first, just so you can get a better idea of what to expect.
Once you sign up, you’ll be put into the “pool” of other people who have entered and, at a later date, I will assign a particular film to you that someone else suggested. It really works just like a Secret Santa, but instead of giving gifts, you’re giving reviews.
Of course, just because it’s called a Review Swap, it doesn’t mean that’s all you can do. Heck, some of us don’t have our own websites to “broadcast” our thoughts. You can put together an essay, a poem, or even draw a picture inspired by the particular film you’re assigned. Honestly, you can do whatever you want (as long as it’s somehow related to the film).
Whether you click the link above or the image, you’ll get to their site where you can get involved. If you have something you want to share but you don’t have a means to do so, we’re willing to help with that, just get in touch with us on Facebook or Twitter.