
Peter Pan (1953 Disney Animated)

Lists: Adventure, Animated, Fantasy, Family, Musicals

Brief Synopsis: "Leaving the safety of their nursery behind, Wendy, Michael and John follow Peter Pan to a magical world where childhood lasts forever. But while in Neverland, the kids must face Captain Hook and foil his attempts to get rid of Peter for good."

Overall Ranking: 1322 (Rank from 1953: # 2)

Adjusted* Rating:
(lowest rating dropped)

Ratings Breakdown
(The Mixed Bag)

Buttery 50%
Regular 25%
Half-Popped 25%
Stale 0%
Burnt 0%


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People Involved

  • Bobby Driscoll (Peter Pan)
  • Kathryn Beaumont (Wendy Darling)
  • Hans Conried (Captain Hook / Mr. Darling)
  • Bill Thompson (Mr. Smee)
  • Heather Angel (Mrs. Darling)
  • Paul Collins (John Darling)
  • Tommy Luske (Michael Darling)
  • Candy Candido (Indian Chief)
  • Tom Conway (Narrator)
  • Clyde Geronimi (Director)
  • magbo system