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Our main goal is to help people find movies they should be seeing. We do that by trying to provide you the right information to help you make those decisions! Maybe that’s through determining what movies you like (and what movies you don’t!), or providing easy ways to discover the voices of other movie reviewers through their written reviews and their podcast episodes, or sharing information about movies you might not have heard about yet.

New in Theaters

Whether you’re looking to see what the top movie options are before leaving the house, or you’re looking to add to your online wishlist of things to see when they’re available on streaming, the list of what’s currently in theaters is a popular place to start!

Explore Podcasts

Want to sit back and listen to people talk about movies? We’ve listened to some great podcasts and keep a list of them and their episodes for you to browse through (in case you don’t stumble on them while looking through the pages for the movies they discuss!)

Streaming Options

What are some of the top-rated movies available to stream on Netflix, Prime Video, HBO Max, Hulu, Disney+ and many others? We’ve got you covered! Have a FREE account with us, you can select which services you have access to and we’ll list the top options available to you!

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