
Mathieu Amalric

Ranked Movies

Rank Movie Avg - Buttery Regular Half-Popped Stale Burnt
1The Diving Bell and the Butterfly 88.4%80%20%0%0%0%
2Grand Budapest Hotel, The 86.87%64.5%35.5%0%0%0%
3Munich 86.13%50%50%0%0%0%
4Sound of Metal 85.2%50%50%0%0%0%
5The French Dispatch 77%22.2%66.7%11.1%0%0%
6Venus in Fur 75%33.3%66.7%0%0%0%
7Oxygen 74.33%33.3%50%16.7%0%0%
8Quantum of Solace 63.45%5.9%52.9%41.2%0%0%
9Cosmopolis 40.67%8.3%0%50%0%41.7%
Rank Movie Avg - Buttery Regular Half-Popped Stale Burnt

Un-Ranked Movies

Movie Current Avg
At Eternity's Gate 92%
Wild Grass 80%
Mesrine: Public Enemy #1 70.5%
The Blue Room 61%
The Forbidden Room 61%
You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet 61%
Bird People 52%
My Golden Days 52%
Barbara 0%
Chicken with Plums 0%
Jimmy P. 0%
Movie Current Avg

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