
Jessica Henwick

Ranked Movies

Rank Movie Avg - Buttery Regular Half-Popped Stale Burnt
1Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens 86.75%59.1%40.9%0%0%0%
2Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery 77.24%26.7%66.7%6.7%0%0%
3Love and Monsters 72.67%0%100%0%0%0%
4The Matrix Resurrections 64.62%7.7%53.8%23.1%7.7%7.7%
5On the Rocks 63.6%0%60%40%0%0%
6The Gray Man 55.63%0%37.5%50%12.5%0%
Rank Movie Avg - Buttery Regular Half-Popped Stale Burnt

Un-Ranked Movies

Movie Current Avg
Underwater 56.5%
The Royal Hotel 55.5%
Newness 45%
Movie Current Avg