
Joshua Mikel

Ranked Movies

Rank Movie Avg - Buttery Regular Half-Popped Stale Burnt
1Love, Simon 86.25%75%25%0%0%0%
2They Cloned Tyrone 77%33.3%66.7%0%0%0%
3Game Night 73.67%22.2%55.6%22.2%0%0%
4The Good Lie 71%0%66.7%33.3%0%0%
5Ant-Man and the Wasp 70.27%18.2%54.5%27.3%0%0%
6Renfield 64.58%0%50%41.7%8.3%0%
7Dirty Grandpa 47%0%20%60%0%20%
8Independence Day: Resurgence 40.62%0%23.1%30.8%23.1%23.1%
Rank Movie Avg - Buttery Regular Half-Popped Stale Burnt

Un-Ranked Movies

Movie Current Avg
Stuber 73.5%
Unhuman 67.5%
Blood on Her Name 60%
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip 55%
Above Suspicion 50%
Intruders 0%
The Book of Love 0%
Movie Current Avg

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